ANY USER LICENCE: Great for teachers, schools and home educators. The workbook can function as a Christmas homework challenge, additional class practice, or act as an activity in the regular Maths lesson. It may be copied by schools and uploaded to their server, providing this does not extend access to their parent base.
An illustrated, black and white, primary/elementary Maths six worksheet copiable workbook focussing on revising: Number & Place Value
Age Range: (7-8). (UK Year 3+ – Lower KS2) (US Grade 2+)
Worksheet Objectives include: 1. To identify digit values and read/write numbers up to 1000; 2. To partition and order numbers up to 1000; 3. To revise the 3,4, and 8 times tables; 4. To read scales and count in multiples of 4 and 8; 5. To count in multiples of 50 and 100; 6. To add and subtract 10 and 100. There is an additional “smiley face” pupil self-evaluation sheet.
(ii) It is supplied in two A4 single sheet pdfs as well as two A3 pdf formats (folding to an A4 booklet) one of each format for both UK and US users.
(iii) A complete Pupil Workbook Answer Guide is also included.
Buy and download immediately.