An attractive and digestible 6-page worksheet pack covering how to identify, analyse and use sensory imagery – includes a page of answers and guidance for teachers/tutors on using the resource.
Perfect for focused KS3 and GSCE English use.
Detailed with guidance, making it valuable for independent study and home-schooling.
Versatile, and can be used as part of a lesson, series of lessons or homework.
- Page 1: information on the 7 types of sensory imagery (visual, olfactory, tactile, gustatory, auditory, organic & kinaesthetic) with examples
- Page 2: Task to identify the use of sensory imagery in small excerpts of literature
- Page 3: Task to identify the use of sensory imagery in a novel opening
- Page 4: Task to write up analysis of sensory imagery, with writing framework and tips
- Page 5: Task to use sensory imagery in a paragraph of creative writing, with image prompt
- Page 6: Sensory imagery word bank
- Page 7: answers and guidance for teachers/tutors