Digital Scratch Part 2 PRIMM KS3 educational poster.


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Introduce students to programming in Scratch with this all-digital unit of work designed to take full advantage of the Microsoft 365 platform, including OneNoteTeams and Forms whilst using the PRIMM pedagogy recommended by the NCCE.

Lesson 1: Selection (ELSE)
Lesson 2: Iteration (Count-Controlled)
Lesson 3: Iteration (Condition-Controlled)
Lesson 4: Subroutines
Lesson 5: Mini Projects
Lesson 6: Assessment

This resource, last updated on 29th April 2024, is designed to span one half-term at KS3 with six high-quality lessons, although has also been used successfully with students of all-ages that are new to the subject.

Included in this package:

• Six OneNote workbooks that include all learning materials, linked activities and spaces for students to answer questions and screenshot work.
• Multiple interactive programs/activities per lesson running in-browser – no additional software!
• Six teacher presentations to accompany each lesson with answers.
• One knowledge organiser, summarising unit content.
• One auto-graded assessment, containing a mixture of free-text and multiple-choice questions (complete with common misconceptions).
• Get insights on student performance via Microsoft Forms and identify gaps in knowledge.

How I use this resource: Create a ‘section’ in OneNote/Teams with the title of the unit via the Class Notebook, then distribute one page each lesson to the desired class – no printing required! Students complete the ‘Retrieval Grid’ in their notebooks on entry to embed key terms over time. The teacher delivers a retrieval activity to reinforce prior learning before introducing the new topic. Students then complete their work within the Class Notebook following the lesson structured using the PRIMM pedagogy. After each ‘Investigate’ section, review answers with the class and have them mark and correct any work using the ‘Draw’ tools and designated spaces. At the end of each unit, set the assessment via the ‘Assignments’ area in Team for optimum feedback.

This unit is designed to follow Scratch Part 1, which directly precedes the content covered in this course.

For more of my resources, including learning to program in Python, please view my shop to access more content in this style.

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Item Information

Last Update: 29 April 2024
Released: 23 October 2023