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CHRISTMAS PRIMARY SPANISH LESSON PACK: Jingle Bells Words & Music in Spanish; Fun Christmas Activity Workbook and supporting resources.

LINKS: Christmas OBJECTIVE: To sing a carol. AGE RANGE: (7-12) UK years 3-6 (KS2) & US grades 2-6. CONTENTS: (i) A PowerPoint presentation with a range of Spanish native speaker/music sound files for all the words of the Jingle Bells – Cascabeles Christmas carol and other Christmas vocabulary: Starter: Fun Christmas discover the picture animated whole class game revising colours; Screens 3-4: Lesson objective and Key Concept – Christmas is both similar and different in Spain. Screens 5-7: Presentation of verses and chorus for Jingles Bells – Cascabeles; with words and music plus an animated translation fairy toggle feature changing the Spanish words into English and then back to Spanish. Plenary: Fun reading match activity for vocabulary in the carol as well as general Christmas vocabulary.

(ii) A lesson plan with screen by screen guidance and fun activity suggestions on how to present the show to pupils including a complete Spanish/English vocabulary for the whole of the Christmas lesson with grammar notes and workbook answers;

(iii) A b/w six worksheet Christmas activity book with 3 differentiated tasks covering the following objectives: 1. To sing a carol; 2. To review Spanish Christmas and Carol vocabulary; 3. To review colours; 4. To review classroom items; 5. To review instructions; 6. To review numbers 1-12. (iv) A 14 page class display pdf of flashcards/posters in A4 and A5 format covering all the language in the Christmas Lesson; (v) An illustrated pupil vocabulary learning mat including the words for the carol in both Spanish and English.

(vi) PLUS A FREE Level 1 MFL Primary/elementary Spanish work scheme detailing the other objectives and units for the year and where the lesson falls in the teaching scheme.

Learnasyouteach Spanish is a unique primary/elementary Spanish scheme designed to empower busy primary teachers, teaching assistants, parents or home educators, to learn Spanish alongside the pupils they are teaching, whilst delivering an outstanding primary/elementary curriculum. It is also really useful for busy specialist Spanish teachers too! Enjoy!

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Last Update: 16 December 2020
Released: 29 November 2020