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Back To School – “Things to Remember” Bulletin Board

For the Teacher or Parent

92 png & pdf Clipart Images

Suggested Bulletin Board Layout

This is a fun activity for your students when they return to school. Encourage positive behaviour by brainstorming school rules. All the clipart is included in this resource but the children could draw portraits of themselves in art and brainstorm the rules introduced in the previous year or these can be taught to children starting formal school. They can use recycled materials for hair, clothing, and accessories. The clipart can be enlarged and used for your display. The pencils clipart can be used to create a boarder and can also be used for number bonds, word flash cards, instructions etc. Upload the PNG image into Canva or Powerpoint, insert a textbox and type in the required resource.


Things to Remember Heading

7 boy images

9 girl images

Speech Bubbles –

I must always try my best.

I must be kind to others.

I must be helpful in school and at home.

I must listen carefully.

I must work quietly in class.

I must respect others.

I must take care of my belongings.

I must respect other people’s property.

I must use my inside voice.

I must play nicely with others.

I must use my inside voice in the classroom.

I must raise my hand when I ask a question.

I must always try to complete my work.

I must be helpful in the classroom.

I must bring my books to school everyday.

I must do my homework everyday.

A smile you send out will always come back to you.

7 blank coloured speech bubbles.


2 green

2 red

2 blue

2 yellow

2 orange

2 purple

2 pink


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Item Information

Last Update: 26 July 2024
Released: 26 July 2024