
Teacher Interview Questions UK

Interviews can be nerve-racking which is why we’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions in teacher interviews to help you prepare for your next job interview.

'Tell Me About Yourself' Questions

  • What experience do you have?
  • What have you done since graduating?
  • What is your teaching philosophy?
  • Why did you decide to become a teacher?
  • What does a good teacher look like?
  • What does an effective teacher do?
  • What is the difference between a good teacher and a great teacher?
  • Use 3 words to describe yourself.
  • Do you have any weaknesses?
  • What are your main strengths?
  • What is your favourite subject to teach? Why?
  • What is your least favourite subject to teach? Why?
  • How have you changed as a teacher since you qualified? Why?
  • What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your career to date?
  • If we hadn’t taken any notes today – what would be the one thing you’d want us to remember about you?

School Ethos Questions

  • What do you know about the school?
  • How can you contribute to the ethos of the school?
  • What can you bring to the school?
  • What would you do to enhance the reputation of our school?

Questions About Your Experience

  • Tell us about your teaching career.
  • What year group did you enjoy teaching most? Why?
  • How would you facilitate guided discovery?
  • What class would you choose if you were given you a choice?
  • What experience do you have teaching children with special educational needs?
  • Describe a lesson that went well. 

Wellbeing Questions

  • Teaching can be a stressful job. What do you do outside of school to relax?
  • How would you ensure you look after yourself and other staff members?
  • How do you feel about sharing teaching materials/resources?

Staff Relations Questions

  • Do you work well in groups?
  • What could other staff members ask you for help with?
  • What would you do if you felt that your partner teacher wasn’t pulling their weight?

Planning and Preparation

  • How important is planning and preparation?
  • If I walked into your classroom during a Maths/English/Science/ICT lesson – what would I see?
  • Describe your ideal classroom.
  • What is your opinion on homework?
  • What would you organise for the first day in school for a Year X class etc?
  • How would you assess a child’s progress?
  • A pupil’s attainment plateaus. What would you do?
  • How would you track pupil progress? 

Extracurricular Questions

  • What extra- curricular activity would you be willing to develop/set up?
  • What extra curricular activities have you set up in previous posts?
  • What sports can you offer?
  • Do you play an instrument?

Classroom Management/Behaviour Questions

  • How would you create a peaceful learning environment?
  • What is your view on discipline?
  • What would you do with an unmotivated child?
  • How would you manage an aggressive pupil who won’t follow instructions?
  • How would you differentiate for a child with ASD?
  • How would you support a child with ADHD?

Safeguarding Questions

  • What would you do if you noticed a sudden change in a childs behaviour?
  • How would you deal with a child who continually interrupts during lessons?
  • Another parent reports a concern about a  child in your class. What would you do?
  • What would you do if you had a concern about a child in your class?
  • What would you do if a child asked you to keep something secret?
  • Tell me what you would do if a pupil disclosed a child protection issue.

Parent Related Questions

  • What would you do if an angry parent approached you after school?
  • What would you do if a parent came to you complaining about other children in your class?
  • How do you keep in contact with parents?
  • What have you used to contact parents?
  • How would you involve parents in school life?

List compiled by Rebecca Morrissey, a full-time primary school teacher, blogger, creator of teaching resources and maker of classroom decorations. See more of her blog posts here and click to follow her social media pages below.

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