This (updated) 34 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to your new year 7 students at the start of a school year. It will support setting expectations, whilst giving them top tips to ensure that they feel supported and confident to make the most out of their new school.
It covers the following:
• Introduction
• Important information – slides that can be amended to include key school information
• Short video discussing how other students felt on their first day of school
• Feelings – asking students to reflect on their own feelings and letting them know they are not alone in those feelings.
• Top Tips on how to ensure this yearis a success (including: attendance, behaviour, taking part in out of class activities, making friends, asking for help, etc.).
• Informative video
• Personal Reflection questions
• Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly – ‘Things I wish you knew about me’
Please note, this assembly is an improved an updated resource from one previously published.
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.