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Use this snakes and ladders game to help teach Sight Words in a fun and engaging way. It is the classic Snakes and ladders game but with a twist. You must say the word you land on and gain a point. You get a bonus total of points for getting to the finish first. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins. Based on how the game works, you might want team up stronger students to help verify saying words and keep the game going.


Included is a how to play handout, a blank board template (add your own words), prefilled sight word boards; 2 pre-primer boards, 3 primer boards, 2 first grade boards, 2 second grade boards and 2 third grade boards. There is also a tally chart for 2 and 3 players to keep track of scores. Each allows for multiple games on one sheet. Don’t have dice? Print, fold and glue the provided dice.


It simple to use, pick your board and print (or edit in Google Slides to your liking with your own words), print and play.

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Last Update: 4 August 2022
Released: 4 August 2022