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There are various explanations for the origins of this day, but these explanations themselves have been popularized in many countries for many centuries; its origin, however, is somewhat obscure as we talk. The traditions of April Fools’ day include playing pranks on people, wrapping up on the first of April with the noisy exclamation, “April Fools!” as a way of telling the duped person he had been a victim of the April Fools’ Day hoax. All that is certain is that, whatever the origins, the practice of media organizations engaging in an April Fools’ Day prank has surely cemented the status of this secular holiday.

People who were late to receive the news, or who did not realize that the new year began on January 1 and therefore kept celebrating from late March to April 1, became the butt of jokes and tricks called “April fools.” One of these tricks was to stick paper fish onto their backs and to cry out “poisson d’avril” (April fish), believed to symbolize an immature fish easily caught and a gullible person.

It is a lesson plan for 90 minutes related to April Fools Day. Students will find their tasks and their answers on different worksheets.

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Last Update: 18 February 2025
Released: 18 February 2025