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38 slide power point featuring the whole text of Jekyll and Hyde chapter one (all other chapters are available with different range of learning activities).  Tasks are directed on slides.  Print out slides on this unit of work are numbers 3,6,13 and 16.  Short task slides are, 2,4,5,14,17,30 and 36.  Question slides are 7-12; 18-28; 31-35 and 37-38.  

Questions and answers, where necessary, are revealed as animations on slides or in the notes section of the slides.

This unit of work helps learners understand the chapter and the characters as well as analyse some of the language and develop knowledge about the context.  

This can be used as a learning tool by students, teachers or for home schooling.

In the following chapter power point Jekyll and Hyde The Search for Hyde.  Unabridged chapter with learning activities for GCSE there are 51 slides.  The first is a starter activity referring back to chapter one.

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Last Update: 3rd January 2021
Released: 3rd January 2021