A fourteen page revision workbook for students to revise Frankenstein and The Handmaid’s Tale (focused on the Edexcel specification but can easily be adapted for others – the focus is on connections and comparisons).
Enclosed are:
- A quotation gathering template where students link common themes with examples from both texts (two examples modelled).
- An AO4 focused table where students write up an analytical link between two short quotations from each text (one example modelled).
- A more complex table which encourages links between a question focus; a quotation from each text; a contextual link; and analytical connections (one example modelled).
- A more developed linking table providing quotations of which students produce a developed comparative analysis (all quotations provided and one example and a paragraph modelled).
- A blank copy of the previous table.
- A linking grid focused on ambitious narrative techniques, linked with quotations, context and themes (one example modelled).
- A series of longer linked extracts from both texts where students analyse these in response to a question (eight pages of extracts).
The booklet is designed to be used by students with knowledge of both texts and is perfect for use in the run up to examinations. There is scaffolding but also appropriate stretch and challenge for those who are aiming for the highest grades.