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PowerPoint and corresponding booklet for EDUQAS GCSE PE Socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport topic. Throughout are a range of tasks that are teacher lead, pupil lead, research tasks, note taking opportunities and exam style questions with answers included.
I have been using these resources with my own pupils for 7 years and have 100% A*-C rate at GCSE PE.
All information used covers the following Specification points:


  • The factors that contribute to participation, provision and performance in sport and exercise.
  • Up to date strategies and personal experiences that impact upon participation.
  • Factors that affect participation will focus on family, gender, society, peers, cost, access, role models.
  • The influence of school physical education programme, extra-curricular and wider curriculum.
  • Physical literacy, physical activity, health and wellbeing and impacts on children’s development.


  • Provision for a variety of target groups to include: gender, race, disability. Strategies for increased involvement for these groups.


  • The commercialisation of sport including the role of media, advertising and globalisation of sport.
  • Ethical issues, including gamesmanship, sportsmanship, financial issues, deviance e.g. drug taking to improve performance.
  • The links between media and commercialisation.

Data analysis:

  • The collection, analysis and presentation of appropriate data for any of the content in movement analysis and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport.

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Last Update: 22 November 2023
Released: 22 November 2023