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An illustrated, black and white, primary/elementary French six worksheet copiable workbook designed to accompany the Level 1, Single User Licence of the French, About Ourselves Unit No. 1, (available separately) with 3 differentiated tasks. Age Range: (7-12). (UK Years 3-6: KS2) (US Grades 2-6) Worksheet Objectives include: 1. To introduce ourselves; 2. To describe ourselves; 3. To say how you are; 4. (UK version) To say your favourite colour; 4. (US version) To say your favorite color; 5. To say your age up to 12; 6. To ask questions; 7. To give personal information. There is an additional “smiley face” pupil self-evaluation sheet. It is supplied in two A4 single sheet pdfs one for UK users and one for US users.

(ii) A Workbook Activity PowerPoint Show with 3 extracted activities from the Level 1, Single User French, About Ourselves Unit No. 1 (30 teaching slides packed with activities, song, raps, together with supporting native speaker sound files).

(iii) A complete Pupil Workbook Answer Guide, with a plain speak French/English vocabulary, grammar, workbook answers and transcripts for the two listening activities Copiable Pupil Workbook.

(All our language material is proofread by native editors).

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Last Update: 16 December 2020
Released: 29 November 2020