Tennessee Williams’ classic play explores the toxic side of masculinity, its disregard and abusive nature. In the post-modern world of the ‘Me Too’ movement and the downfall of Jeffrey Epstein, it remains an essential text to study. I have taught this text many times over the last 20 years and I have used these specific resources (revised): to lead my teaching in class, as distance learning materials (Google Meet/Skype Lessons), as homework assignments and also as tools of revision – All have worked well for the students.
This dynamically presented PowerPoint lessons each contain, a starter activity, summary and analysis questions, an academic writing task, a theme-tracking exercise, an extension task, a homework assignment and of course, a plenary. I have also included an ‘Introduction to the Text’ lesson and also an ‘Assessment – Guided Essay Writing’ lesson. These are complete resources with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!