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Tennessee Williams’ classic play explores the toxic side of masculinity, its disregard and abusive nature. In the post-modern world of the ‘Me Too’ movement and the downfall of Jeffrey Epstein, it remains an essential text to study. I have taught this text many times over the last 20 years and I have used this specific resource (revised): to lead my teaching in class, as a distance learning material (Google Meet/Skype Lessons), as a homework assignment and also as a tool of revision – All have worked well for the students.

This dynamically illustrated PowerPoint lesson (23 slides) provides a step-by-step guide to essay writing, focusing on the question:

Discuss the significance of illusion and fantasy as themes in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’?

This is a complete resource, with no further work required from the teacher. Enjoy!

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Last Update: 14 February 2021
Released: 14 February 2021