

It’s always good to take risks and try something different in teaching. Whilst this isn’t a new behaviour management strategy, it is an amazing way to keep the children engaged and motivated within learning. Luckily, for me, it lines up with my school’s behaviour policy well but it’s possibly one of best simple tricks to get children motivated within lesson.

The strategy involves a ‘secret child’ who is chosen at the end of the day. I tell my children that I’ve already chosen the person at the start of the day and it is up to that person to not let themselves down. I was blown away by the outcome! Hopefully, this is one that you’ll have a go at trying within your school; I definitely recommend it! This is a behaviour management system I tried within my school, now run throughout all of my primary school.

Thomas Blakemore

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All songs used are Non-copyrighted. Thomas Blakemore nor LessonPlanned do not hold the rights to these tracks but credit is given below Kimengumi- My Space…

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