- 16 March 2020
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Free Home Learning Materials for UK Pupils COVID-19
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Due to school closures to delay the spread of COVID-19, the following websites are offering free teaching resources to schools and teachers to reduce the strain on teachers when preparing home learning materials.
Resources and Ready-Made Lessons
At Twinkl, they’re offering the teachers and parents of children in affected schools a completely free One Month All-Access Membership to ensure the continuation of learning during any periods of closure along with a range of home learning packs.
Scholastic Learn at Home is providing 20 days’ worth of active learning journeys designed to reinforce and sustain educational opportunities for those students who are unable to attend school.
White Rose Maths are busy planning some free packages for schools to use if they have to close due to COVID-19.
The first set will be released this week which will include video tutorials and access to their premium content.
Classroom Secrets are offering their new BETA site Classroom Secrets Kids completely free of charge to support home learning along with free home learning packs.
Home learning packs available for every year group from EYFS to Year 6.
Pobble is well know for its Pobble365 daily writing resources.
In addition to Pobble365, it is also offering free 30 days access to their Pobble for Parents learning platform.
Explorify offer a range of engaging and creative Science activities which have been designed to spark curiosity, discussion and debate.
All of their content is free to use and include lots of scripted questioning opportunities to test children’s reasoning skills.
Encounter Edu are a great option if you are seeking ready-made educational resources for STEM subjects.
Their learning materials focus on global issues such as plastic in the ocean which would be perfect for a larger home learning project for pupils of all ages.
We’re of course biased, but Lesson Planned does offer a huge number of resources for free all year round, not just when schools are facing closures.
You can use the search function to find high-quality learning materials for all year groups.
Online Apps, Games and Learning Platforms for Pupils
Sumdog are offering free access to all of Sumdog Maths, Spelling and Grammar until 31st March (or for the duration of your school’s closure) including webinars on how to use Sumdog for home learning.
2Simple are offering free access to both Purple Mash and Serial Mash for the duration of your closure.
Perfect for primary school pupils all the way from Early Years to Year 6.
Ed Shed is offering to extend their free trial to Spelling Shed and Maths Shed for the duration of mandatory school closures. They have created an online learning platform which allows teachers to activities, assignments, targeted practice through their apps / online games and weekly whole-class tests.
Maths Shed also has the added bonus of having teaching slides. Each lesson is designed to be click-and-go ready and are compatible with a number of popular mastery schemes of learning, including Maths No Problem, White Rose Maths, Mathematics Mastery and Eureka Mathematics.
Early Learn are offering premium access to their objective focused educational games. They have a wide range of educational games available and new resources are added each week.
Most suitable for pupils aged 3-5.
Kaligo is the first handwriting app approved by the Department for Education. It is designed to teach students how to write using a stylus and tablet.
The Kaligo handwriting app is now free for one month, with extensions of the free trial being reviewed if school closures continue.
Phonics play have launched their new website and made it free to use whilst schools are closed.
Created by a leading Literacy teacher and her husband, this website has a wealth of interactive phonics-based resources which will help embed learning whilst at home.
Teach Your Monster to Read is a popular choice for parents with children who are taking their first steps into reading.
Their games are differentiated into First Steps, Fun with Words and Champion Reader categories to support children in all stages of their early reading journey.
Oxford Owl has an enormous range of free home learning materials, separated into English, Reading and Maths for children at home during school closures.
Subscription to their website includes hundreds of resources and eBooks, all arranged by year group to get children reading at home.
Dyslexia Gold are offering a free Spelling Tutor account, for pupils to use at home, for schools that are closed or pupils that are self isolating.
Suitable for all children, including those with SEN.
ICT Games has been offering free to use Maths and English games for 20 years now.
The games are aimed at children between the ages of 4-7, with some being suitable for ages 7+
Perhaps most famous amongst pupils for their ‘hit the button’ game, Top Marks is a website for interactive games, almost all of which work on mobile, tablet and desktops.
Their games are labelled by age group and range from Early Years to Year 6 in a range of subjects.
Times Tables Rock Stars have created a range of highly addictive games based around times tables facts.
They are offering free subscriptions to any schools affected by school closures.
Videos and Activities to Support Home Learning
Joe Wicks, otherwise know as The Body Coach rose to fame as a popular fitness coach, TV presenter and author.
To encourage children to keep moving and stay healthy during school closures, he is hosting a free workout LIVE on his YouTube channel at 9am, Monday to Friday.
Carol Vorderman has been very active in the education scene after leaving Countdown. She has a whole host of books and has recently granted free access to her Maths Factor website which includes lively videos and games to embed learning.
David Walliams will be releasing a free audio story from 11am, every day, for the next 30 days in a bid to provide entertainment for children currently unable to go to school.
If you wanted some follow-up activities, you can also find activities related to his hugely popular children’s books on his website under the activities tab.
If you know of any other websites offering high-quality, free home learning materials, please comment and we will update our list!
Thank you, this has helped so much during a difficult time
Thank you for this, it has been very helpful during lockdown.
We also have a number of resources at:
Mainly for mathematics at the moment, but I hope they can be helpful 🙂
Hello, neat post. The marketplace is a good element too.