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A set of 39 Bingo activities that cover number facts for the year 2 National Curriculum. Included is a powerpoint with 39 slides to show the children and separate powerpoint with 39 slides for the teacher to read out. There is also a recording sheet.

Children pick 5 numbers or calculations and write them on the recording paper or whiteboard.
Print off the teacher powerpoint and read the numbers or calculations for children to solve the problem. Children cross off each number they have chosen if they are the answer. When all 5 are crossed off, they jump up and call BINGO. You must be the first one of the room to win!

An excellent activity to make revising key facts fun! This resources could be used as early morning work during the register or as a Numeracy lesson starter.

Topics include:
– nearest 10
– addition facts
– number bonds to 10, 20, 100
– subtraction facts
– 2,5,10 times tables
-2,5,10 division facts
– sequences
– shapes
– numbers in between

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Item Information

Last Update: 15 April 2021
Released: 15 April 2021