Educational D-Day WWII lesson resources for KS2.


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This lesson will help children to understand the events of D-Day (DDay) during the Second World War. They will learn who was involved, the events that lead to its success and the impact it had on the rest of WW2.

This resource includes:

  • PowerPoint detailing what happened in the lead up to and during D-Day – what it was, causes, who was involved, what happened, why it was successful etc. Throughout the PowerPoint there are various discussion questions to pose to your class – opportunities for partner talk and feeding back to the class.
  • Three differentiated tasks to complete. You can either complete all of the tasks or choose the most fitting task(s) for your class and ability levels.
  1. Task 1 – double page spread detailing the main events of D-Day to be presented in a style of your choice (poster, timeline, storyboard etc.)
  2. Task 2 – Group work – working together to discuss why D-Day was successful and how close it was to being a failure. Discuss and present to the class on large sugar paper.
  3. DT and Art links – design and make your own D-Day medal / Make your own paratrooper. Instruction sheets and templates/examples are provided for this task. Additional resources listed on instruction sheet.

Exit ticket to assess learning at the end of the lesson.

Lesson plan for teacher.

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Last Update: 19 February 2024
Released: 30 June 2022