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This fully resourced Literacy lesson about the Paddington Christmas advert is designed for pupils to write a short newspaper report after seeing Paddington helping ‘Santa Claus’ deliver his presents.

Pupils will be able to watch the advert and given the chance to act as one of the reporters at the end of the advert by writing about the events in the video. A good newspaper report example and a very clear description of the features of a newspaper relevant to UKS2 such as adverbial phrases, punctuated quotes, expanded noun phrases and embedded clauses are provided in following slides along with a space to record some ideas and model writing. Finally, pupils can be set targets using the ‘must, should and could’ success criteria on the final slide before starting their task on their pre-prepared newspaper templates.  

The resource pack contains a very detailed PowerPoint and a newspaper template.


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Last Update: 26 May 2020
Released: 11 December 2017
