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Set of student worksheets for grades 3-12. Connect thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Deepen personal understanding of motivators and increase self-regulation and mindset.
I created these while in my School Counseling role as well as work in Behavior Management.
Identify Positive and Negative Thoughts
Negative vs. Positive Evidence and Challenges
Thoughts Drive Behavior
Reframing Internal Dialogue
Positive Self-Talk jars
I am awesome because…..
Incident sheet for thoughts and reflection
Rude Mean or Bullying practice sheet
Self-awareness scenario for peer relationships
Identifying triggers
Below the iceberg feelings identifiers
Thoughts and Behaviors when I’m Angry
Wheel of emotions-link real life situations to identifiable emotions
Daily Mood Meter

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Last Update: 28th July 2024
Released: 28th July 2024