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I have created a set of 10 comprehension exercises which cover all 14 chapters (and postscript) of this classic book about life in a primary school. Also included are answer sheets which can be photocopied for pupils’ use or used on the whiteboard for all class marking.

Each comprehension activity has 20 questions, designed to allow success for less able children but with challenging, higher order questions for above average pupils. Being ‘out of 20’ also allows to find a quick percentage score for each pupil!

The worksheets are all A4 size and there are various ways to use the activity sheets, including:

As part of a shared reading session, with the pupils completing the written tasks after discussion and analysis of the text as a class or group.

As independent written tasks for the rest of the class, while the teacher is reading with a smaller group.

As an additional, ready-made resource to support the study of The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tiler as a Unit of Work / class book.

As a stand-alone, independent reading activity / assessment.

All worksheets are created on Microsoft Word so can be easily adapted to suit your needs. For example, in the past I have shrank the 20 set questions to half-page size and photocopied them to stick in pupils’ books, ready for independent work. You could also add your own questions, objectives etc.

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Last Update: 1 February 2021
Released: 11 May 2020