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This is a chapter – by – chapter (12 chapters in all) set of comprehension exercises with linked SPAG activities, for what has been the favourite story of numerous classes I have taught. It really is a fabulous book and even has a fantastic movie (Babe) to watch as a treat when your class has finished reading the book!

Each comprehension activity has at least 10 questions, which I have designed to allow success for less able children but with challenging, higher order questions for above average pupils. Harder questions are signified by being awarded extra marks (up to 3 marks as in the SATs and key stage tests). Each reading task has a learning objective in line with Year 4 or 5 National Curriculum objectives and requires the reading of one full chapter of the Sheep-Pig.

The worksheets are all A4 size and there are various ways to use the activity sheets, including:

As part of a shared reading session, with the pupils completing the written tasks after discussion and analysis of the text as a class or group.

As independent written tasks for the rest of the class, while the teacher is reading with a smaller group.

As an additional, ready-made resource to support the study of The Sheep – Pig as a Unit of Work / class book.

As a stand-alone, independent reading activity / assessment.

As a useful teacher prompt/ discussion leader when doing a guided read.

Alongside the comprehension task, each worksheet has a SPAG challenge based on the Year 4 and 5 English frameworks – for example: fronted adverbials, dictionary activities, word classes, etc. These could be the focus of the lesson, serve as an extension task or be used as a stand alone / separate activity.

All worksheets are created on Microsoft Word so can be easily adapted to suit your needs. For example, in the past I have shrank the 10 set questions to half-page size and photocopied them to stick in pupils’ books, ready for independent work. You could also add your own questions, objectives etc.


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Last Update: 27 January 2021
Released: 1 July 2019