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This pack includes a 6 week History unit of work for KS1 to discover all about Seaside Holidays in the Past and compare them to holidays now. The unit ends with a seaside day with a Victorian picnic!

The plan includes: Learning Objectives linked to the new N.C, key questions, teaching activities and pupil learning outcomes. The plan is adaptable to suit the needs of your children.

The Pack includes: a 6 week unit plan, KWL worksheet, Old and New photos sorting worksheet, Old and New photos to sort, Victorian Picnic Facts, Picnic Menu worksheet, Seaside Holidays Now and Then PowerPoint, Timeline Pictures to order, Victorian Games and Victorian Picnic PowerPoint.

The pack also includes 3 weeks of Whole Class Reading based on Seaside books -the stories included are: The Rainbow Fish, The Snail and the Whale and The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. Each story has a week long plan, a power point for everyday and NC objectives.

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Last Update: 14 December 2023
Released: 14 December 2023