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This six week block gives KS 2 children opportunities to explore different faiths, their beliefs, food and the festivals/celebrations/traditions they follow.

Faith and Food – To introduce the foods that can and can’t be eaten according to all the religions.

Cultures and Celebrations – Know how different cultures have different celebrations and dietary requirements for example Religious beliefs.Know how different cultures have different celebrations and dietary requirements for example Religious beliefs.

Researching Religions – To identify the foods different religions follow in day to day life and as part of religious festivals throughout the year.

Using facts on different religious foods compose a menu of the foods different religions eat daily.

Religious Festivals and celebrations – To study in further detail a religion continuing research about its culture and celebrations.

Design a religious feast – To design a menu for the religion already research selecting food that can be eaten for that religion.
Identify the foods that are excluded from their diet from previous research.

Overview of Religious beliefs – To explain what the religious beliefs are.
To give an oral account of the religion researched, the festivals, celebrations and the menus designed.

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Item Information

Last Update: 1 June 2020
Released: 11 October 2018