WW2 lesson plan with rationing resources and activities.


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This lesson will help children to understand rationing during the Second World War / WW2. They will learn what rationing was, why it was introduced and which items were rationed, as well as how rationing affected people’s day to day lives.

This resource includes:

  • PowerPoint detailing what rationing was and and why it was introduced. Throughout the PowerPoint, there are various discussion questions to pose to your class – opportunities for partner talk/reflection/think, pair, share and feeding back to the class.

  • Three independent tasks to complete (including extension task). You can either complete all of the tasks or choose the most fitting task(s) for your class and ability levels.

Task 1 – Create a poster or double page spread detailing everything you have learned about rationing in WW2. Information mat included to help with this.

Task 2 – Design your own ration book or clothing coupon book.

Extension Task – Research wartime recipes and create an ingredients list and step-by-step method using ingredients that you could buy with your ration quota.

  • Lesson plan for teacher.

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Last Update: 20 February 2024
Released: 5 October 2022