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These two lessons  can be linked to the two week Literacy block  of lessons on biographies and diary entries on Harriet Tubman.  The two following lessons explain all about the Quaker Society. – Chocolate and all things sweet is a lesson that give opportunities for children to describe and understand the emotional well being of the Quaker Society through links between stories and other aspects of the society.  Also to respond thoughtfully to a range of sources of wisdom and to beliefs and teachings that arise from the Quaker Society.  Children will learn about the Founders of the Quaker Society, and the impact  the Fry, Fox, Cadbury, Bournville & Rowntree families had on society at this time.     These two lessons give opportunities for Questioning  each other on what life was like for the workers at this time, and ask questions on how the Quaker families made a difference to the working class population.  By the end of the lesson children should be able summarize the impact the Quaker Society had on the emotional well being of the working class.

Believing in all things Good is an RE lesson that gives opportunities to describe and make connections between different features of religions and world views discovering more about celebrations, worship and pilgrimages.  By the end of the lesson children should be able to successfully explain three differences between Quaker worship and that of other Christian faiths; Explain, with reasons, their meanings and significance to individuals and communities;  To outline and summarize the Quaker beliefs in today’s society compared to other religious beliefs.

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Last Update: 26th May 2020
Released: 11th October 2018