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This is from a series of posters I made for revision of the characters in Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. They each display quotes and comments that would be useful to revise for the GCSE exam. This poster is of Mr Utterson.

A5 prints make for really good individual student booklets, while producing A4 versions is ideal for general class use. If you’re wanting to display them, they look really good in A3.

As well as display, they can be given as a task for students to build on the quotes, linking each one to specific themes in the play and/or explaining why the trait of the character is significant. Another common use is to inspire students to make their own for other characters.

Other character posters available are Mr Hyde, Dr Lanyon and Dr Jekyll.

Please note I also sell similar posters for An Inspector Calls; Romeo & Juliet; Macbeth; A Christmas Carol; Frankenstein; Blood Brothers; Pigeon English; and Animal Farm.

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  1. My students found this very useful as a revision tool – much nicer than providing a list of quotes!

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Item Information

Last Update: 6 November 2023
Released: 6 November 2023