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This is a literacy pack containing chapter- by – chapter activities relating to the first five chapters of the book Matilda by Roald Dahl. For each of the five chapters there is a comprehension / guided reading activity and a SPaG activity, plus several additional vocabulary and writing tasks.

Each A4 comprehension worksheet has a variety of questions worth 20 marks and could be used as an independent task, as part of a guided reading session, reading assessment or whole class teaching.

Each SPaG worksheet is double A4 – sized, with space for pupils’ answers. It could be used as part of SATs practice as I have styled the questions in a similar vein. Similarly, pupils could do the worksheet as an independent task or as part of whole class revision for the SATs. There are 25 marks available – which again allows pupils to find their percentage score! At the end of the formal questions there is an extension spelling task on each sheet.

There are two extra Vocabulary and spelling activities included for chapter one, plus a writing task. I have also included a landsscape – version of the comprehension task with space on the worksheet for the pupils’ answers.

All activities are created in Word so can be edited to your own designs.

Answer sheets also included!

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Item Information

Last Update: 16 September 2021
Released: 20 December 2020