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Do you teach upper middle and senior mathematics? Do you want to save hours of preparation time? Need to refresh your math skills? Sick of setting revision homework each week?

17 Weeks of homework or revision. Each week has 5-7 specific questions across a wide range of essential topics. (The questions are in word for ease of editing).

This is supported with hand worked solutions and suggested marking for each of the questions.

You can set and forget!

This is a 17 week homework/revision program covering a wide range of topics such as:

Solving algebraic equations, rearranging equations, finding equations of lines, sketching lines, solving equations, solving simultaneous equations, interval notation, hybrid functions, f(x), g(x), domain and range of functions, sketching cubics, transformations of functions, trigonometry of right and non right angle triangles, trigonometry with bearings, degrees and radians, exact values, solving trigonometric equations, transformations of trigonometric equations, indices and indicial equations, exponential equations, probability, average rates of change, limits, differentiation and differentiation using product, chain and quotient rule.

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Item Information

Last Update: 29 December 2020
Released: 29 December 2020
