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An outstanding, fun and really engaging KS3 Geography SoW on Hot Deserts finished to perfection!

The SoW caters to all different kinds of learners, includes solo, paired and group activities as well as lots of skills, thinking and discussion based tasks!

**Lesson breakdown: **
Lesson 1: What is a hot desert and where are they found?
Lesson 2: Drawing a climate graph for hot deserts
Lesson 3: How can animals and plants survive in hot deserts?
Lesson 4: What is desertification and why is it happening?
Lesson 5: Can desertification be stopped?
Lesson 6: Tourism in a hot desert far far away…
Lesson 7: Can you navigate through a hot desert?
Lesson 8: Assessment lesson
Lesson 9: Peer marking and assessment feedback

The Scheme of work**
The scheme of work is very well structured and each lesson starts with clear objectives and title along with engaging starter and plenary tasks. It includes differentiated tasks including challenges and extensions. Each lesson is interesting and explores a different concept or idea to do with hot deserts.

Please check out all of my FREE school resources and Geography lessons on my shop where you´ll also find full schemes of work for just £3 and lots of other useful resources… Or purchase all of my resources for just £12.99!

I would really appreciate it if you could leave me a review, thanks!

Questions or issues: ukjoshkelly@yahoo.co.uk

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Item Information

Last Update: 20 February 2024
Released: 20 February 2024