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KS2 PSHE History focus -What does Fair trade mean to you?
This lesson is suitable for upper KS2

This lesson is where pupils will: learn and understand the definition of Fair trade; Explain why Farmers rely on Fair trade for their produce; Discuss issues that are current in the news; discuss how EU sugar reform is endangering the livelihoods of small farmers and develop personal opinions and views. This is a discussion lesson that gives pupils opportunities in making suggestions on ways to improve the schools views and practices on Fair Trade.
This lesson can be a stand alone lesson and is linked with the History lesson-Atlantic Trade Routes and 3 lessons of numeracy – Sailing & circumnavigating the high seas which can be purchased as a bundle.

Two fun and interesting activities that are equally ideal lessons to be taught throughout the year or around Fair trade Fortnight, usually around 24th February – 8th March.

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Last Update: 26 May 2020
Released: 8 March 2020