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This is a literacy pack based on the first 5 chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
For each chapter, there is a comprehension worksheet containing a range of around 20 questions, based on the text, producing 25 marks in total. The questions are written on one size of A4 and include an extension activity. The worksheets could be used as independent reading tasks, homework activities or as a tool for guided reading groups. Also included with each comprehension task is an A4 answer sheet. Just for for chapter one, there are two comprehension activities, one based on pages 7 – 13 and the next on pages 13 – 18.

The extension activities attached to each comprehension task are listed below:

Chapter one, pages 7 – 13: Dictionary Challenge
Chapter One, pages 13 – 18: Astounding Alliteration
Chapter Two: Compound Words
Chapter Three: Dictionary Challenge
Chapter Four: Spelling Challenge
Chapter Five: Vibrant Verbs

The literacy pack also includes nine writing resources as follows:

Chapter Two – Dear Diary ( Harry’s point of view)
Chapter Two – Writing activity based on Harry and Dudley’s differing viewpoints
Chapter Four – Mysterious character descriptive writing task
Chapter Four – Letter writing task: Hagrid writing to Dumbledore
Chapter Five – Recount based on the visit to the Leaky Cauldron (Harry’s POV)
Chapters 1 to 5 – Book review
Spooky Picture for use in creative writing
Spelling task – ‘soft c’
Awesome Adjectives Wordsearch

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Item Information

Last Update: 21 May 2023
Released: 21 May 2023