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Shakespeare Twelfth Night Worksheets is a comprehensive resource containing six worksheets aimed at supporting students in learning the play Twelfth Night. With a focus on engaging activities, this resource is designed to provide an overall understanding of the play and the time period in which it was written.
Worksheet Descriptions
1) William Shakespeare Fact File
The introductory worksheet sets the stage by prompting students to create a comprehensive fact file about William Shakespeare. From personal details to famous quotes, students research and compile essential information. The adaptable format allows educators to customize the level of detail based on the students’ grade level, ensuring a well-rounded understanding.
2) Tudor Mind map
The mind map worksheet guides the students to explore the broader historical context surrounding the time period in which Twelfth Night was written, by looking at the economic, political, social and beliefs during the Tudor period.
3) Character Spider Diagram
This worksheet delves into the personality traits, qualities, relationships, positives and negatives of the main characters of the play. The spider diagram format enables students to visually connect various elements of their character, fostering critical thinking. Educators can adapt the worksheet to emphasize specific character aspects.
4) Form, structure & Language
This worksheet can be used to look at the form, structure and language of the play as a whole, or individual scenes.
5) Language (DAFOREST Techniques)
Students use the table format in this worksheet to find and record examples of different writing techniques used within the play, with matching quotes and descriptions on why it is effective to reader.
6) Question Planner
Building on the acquired knowledge this worksheet helps the students plan questions, by breaking down the main themes from the play. This is particularly helpful when preparing for exams.
Downloadable Format
Shakespeare Twelfth Night Worksheets resource is conveniently available in a downloadable PDF format. This allows for easy printing and distribution to students, making it a flexible resource for both classroom and remote learning environments.
Answers not included.

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Item Information

Last Update: 20 January 2024
Released: 25 December 2022