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This is an upper intermediate (CEFR B2, IELTS 6.0) EFL Speaking class about jokes. Students first describe a picture of some men laughing. Teachers could elicit information about the situation to contextualise the class. A short discussion about jokes follows. Students then read a short text which introduces the target language (prank, knock-knock, dad jokes, pun). Students then look at various pictures which should introduce some different jokes. Students should then decide what kind of joke it is by referring back to the text they read. Students can discuss the jokes they learned and jokes in their culture. Verbs of speech (whisper, sigh, mumble, blurt out, whine, snap) are then practiced using a vocabulary match-up activity. Comprehension is then confirmed using pictures. The next activity sees students reading some jokes, in which they must find the verb of speech they learned. Some more puns are learned. Finally, students can practice their punchline delivery in English; print out slides 28-37. Every two slides is a new joke, assign students a partner and have them read the joke and deliver the punchline.

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Last Update: 11 January 2024
Released: 11 January 2024