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This is an advanced (CEFR C1, IELTS 7.0) EFL Speaking class about investing. Students first look at two images showing the ideas of investing (growing money over time, risk and reward). Students should discuss what they think the images show. Target language (dividend, capital, bonds, return, make a killing, share) is introduced in a short reading text, after which students match the vocabulary to its meaning. Students then complete a gap-fill exercise. Students then discuss their own experiences of investing. Further target language in the form of investment products (oil, stock market, cryptocurrencies, real estate, pension fund, bonds) is introduced in pictures. Students then rank the best to worst investments before debating the best of three potential investments. Finally, students design their own investment portfolio using a pie chart and the investment products they learned.

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Last Update: 12 January 2024
Released: 12 January 2024