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This is an advanced (CEFR C1, IELTS 7.0) EFL Speaking class about illness. Students begin the class by brainstorming as many illnesses as they know. Next, target language (high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, allergy, stroke, dementia) is introduced using pictures. Students then drill the pronunciation and form of the vocabulary. Students then read a short text about diabetes and answer comprehension questions. The next part of the class focuses on treatments; students first brainstorm different medical treatments. Further target language (lifestyle changes, chemotherapy, insulin injections, medication, medicine) is learned in pictures. Teachers should emphasise the difference between medication and medicine. Students then look at four idioms about illness which they match to the respective meanings. Finally, students talk to their partners using the idioms.

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Last Update: 12 January 2024
Released: 12 January 2024