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This is an advanced (CEFR C1, IELTS 7.0) EFL Speaking class about buildings. Students begin the lesson by looking at a picture of a skyscraper and picture of a bungalow. Students should describe the differences between the two types of building. Teachers should encourage students to think about the purpose, layout, furniture, dimensions of the buildings. Students then brainstorm the different types of buildings they know. Target language (factory, warehouse, stadium, church, terminal, town house) is then introduced using pictures. Students then match the building with its function. A discussion about the buildings follows, after which students rank the best building to live in. They then drill the pronunciation of the words. Moving on, the students read a short summary of the new airport in Istanbul. Key words in the text are learned using a match-up exercise. Students read the article about the terminal building at Istanbul Airport before answering comprehension questions.

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Last Update: 12 January 2024
Released: 12 January 2024