Introduction to Criminology / Psychology offender criminal profiling activity, lesson plan, powerpoint and resources. Student’s become a criminal profiler in the case of the Washington Sniper.
This lesson provides an interactive introduction to offender profiling that I use in year 10 and 11 taster sessions, year 12 induction or as an introduction to AQA A Level Psychology Forensic Psychology and WJEC Level 3 Diploma in Criminology.
The activity centres around the case of the Washington Sniper Murders
Students create an offender profile and then compare it to the identities of the real killers to check how close their profiles match
Resources include:
The lesson is scaffolded in a way which enables them to gradually think about key aspects of the case which will ultimately help them create their own profile.
Lesson teaches through video, visual aids, group work, mini presentation, questioning.
If being used as part of an induction or taster session you may want to add some course information slides and other activities.
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