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You have studied Spanish before but the words do not come out of your mouth. You are familiar with the basic rules of the grammar but it is still very difficult to form full sentences. You can understand a lot of what you read but you can not reproduce it yourself. You understand what people are asking you but you do not know how to reply. This is a very familiar feeling among students and this book tries to solve that problem. THE IDEAL COMPANION TO ANY TRIP TO SPAIN OR LATIN-AMERICA! Inside this book, you will find dozens of conversations in real and natural Spanish (not necessarily the language that you’ll find in traditional books). This is not about what teachers teach, but about how people speak and what a basic student of Spanish should aim for.

– Over 11,000 words of simple conversations that will boost your level and your confidence.

– Relevant dialogues covering a wide range of topics (travelling, daily routine, descriptions, feelings, films ad series, sports, weather, etc.)

– A set of exercises after each unit to consolidate what you have practiced.- Easy to reproduce situations, ideal for role-playing.

– A companion for any student determined to improve their speaking skills in Spanish while having fun.

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Last Update: 8 October 2020
Released: 13 August 2020
