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In their final year of High School, students should be aware of, among other aspects:

· Utilize language understanding to grasp how it operates in various contexts, enabling effective decisions regarding meaning or style and achieving deeper comprehension during reading or listening.

· Change sentence structure for impact, referring to sources (like Tufte’s Artful Sentences) for support as necessary; utilize knowledge of syntax when analyzing intricate texts during reading.

· Merge sentences by incorporating relative clauses.

· What is implied by the punctuation?

· Vocabulary Learning and Application

· Identify or explain the significance of unfamiliar and ambiguous words and expressions relevant to grades 11–12 reading and subject matter, selecting adaptively from various techniques.

· Rely on context (for instance, the general idea of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word’s role or placement in a sentence) as a hint to understand a word or phrase’s meaning.

This ebook will assist your students in practicing everything mentioned above and beyond.

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Last Update: 9 December 2024
Released: 13 November 2024