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Reward sticker charts have always been a must for my classroom. If you are looking for a behavior management system for your classroom, try out these printable good behaviour reward charts for your students or kids at home.


These good behvaviour charts include 5, 10 and 15 boxes in colour and blackline with seasonal graphics. They have the days of the week so students earn a sticker or stamp for expected behaviours in the classroom or at home and once Friday comes along if they have achieved the right amount of stickers for the week they receive a prize of your choosing.


The charts can be used as a whole class system or for individual students and children. This method has always worked in my classrooms as it is a visual reminder on their desks to reinfore positive behaviour and at the end of every week the students or your child can receive a timely reinforcement for their hard work.


I copy the blackline sheets on colored paper and use graphics appropriate for that month or time of the year. Included are coloured graphics should you want to print coloured copies. Each page has 2 charts (US letter size – 8.5” x 11”) , 2 different pictures but for the same theme. When cut apart the charts measure 8.5″ x 5.8″.


Children can earn a sticker or stamp for behaviors such as:

✨ Working quietly at the task on hand

✨ Following teachers directions

✨ Completing homework or assignments on time

✨ Using manners

✨ Playing safely

✨ Any behaviours that are being emphasized in class or at home.



When a child earns all 5/10/15 stickers or stamps for the day possible rewards are:

❆ An extra special sticker to take home and show off to parents.

❆ Extra iPad / computer time

❆ Time at a math – playdough – art center

❆ Anything that motivates your students!


You could also do a weekly prize draw by seeing which student earns the most stickers throughout the week. I often do it this way and students are able to choose a prize from the treasure box.


Themes include:

↝ Spring

↝ Summer

↝ Fall

↝ Winter

↝ Christmas

↝ Easter

↝ Superheroes

↝ Sealife

↝ Owls

↝ Ice Cream


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Last Update: 14 March 2021
Released: 14 March 2021