Hanukkah — which can also be written as Chanukah or through various transliterations from Hebrew — is the “festival of lights” in Judaism. For eight nights in a row, Jews come together with relatives and friends to light one more candle in the menorah — a multi-armed candelabrum.
In Hebrew, Hanukkah signifies “dedication,” and this festival commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem during the 2nd century BC, after a tiny band of Jewish warriors freed it from foreign occupying forces. Using the small amount of ritually pure oil discovered in the temple, they kindled the menorah — and it remained lit for eight days. The tradition of igniting a nightly candle, along with the focus on preparing dishes in oil like potato pancakes known as latkes, honors this astonishingly enduring oil.
This comprises a series of tasks centered around the video “What is Hanukkah?“. The solutions can be located at the conclusion of the book.