A-Level Psychology ‘How to do and understand the statistical tests.’ [Part #1]
Suitable for all the major examination boards
These extensive and unique PowerPoint© resources (x4), are designed for the experienced teacher and/or teachers who are new to teaching statistics as part of Psychology, Presentation requires minimal statistical knowledge. This resource carefully and clearly demonstrates how to calculate and understand the major statistical tests:
Part 1, content includes:
Intro to stats in psychology (ppt)
Worksheet: calculating SD
The slides can be edited/copied to suit and are set out in a way to engage students in a simple yet informative way. Each test has an explanation, a progressive worked example and one for the student to attempt themselves. This innovative resource is designed so it can be presented as whole lessons or used to help make research projects more professional.
Quite simply, this pack contains everything you need to deliver these statistical tests: ‘just pick up and go’.
The author: Andy McCarthy CPsychol, is a Chartered Psychologist, an experienced publisher, Psychology Teacher/Lecturer, and a member of the Royal Statistical Society.
“These are no nonsense PowerPoints which simply talk the viewer through the statistical calculations. The students found it accessible, and we could easily flip back through slides for clarification.”
Claire Barker: Head of Psychology Queen’s College Taunton.
“Does exactly what it says on the packet, teaches you how to teach the statistical tests: understandable, fun and informative for students.”
Dr Agnes Lech: Queen Mary’s London.