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One hundred years since women gained the right to vote we launched Trailblazers: World War One’s Inspirational Women – a nationwide project about inspirational women from the First World War and their impact on the societies around them. Trailblazers encourages young people to explore the incredible lives of women from the First World War, to discover Trailblazing women in your locality, and to develop as future Trailblazers.

Teachers that would like to use these lesson plans should email trailblazers@big-ideas.org to receive the free associated resource pack, to take part in the Trailblazers exhibition, or to apply for small scale funding to cover costs of materials, speakers, or events.

This lesson can be used as part of the Trailblazers project, to help students understand the historical context of women’s roles during World War One, to identify past and present trailblazers, and to practice public speaking skills.

There are two lesson plans which connect to English and History curriculum for the age groups 7-11 and 11 – 16.

For more information about Big Ideas projects go to www.big-ideas.org

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Last Update: 26 May 2020
Released: 28 September 2018