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Read and create Poetry
This unit of work is for upper KS2.

Lesson one starts with discussing how authors use language in poetry to capture the reader’s attention. Starting with synonyms and recapping what a synonym is. Asking pupils to write down on whiteboards what their interpretation of a synonym is.
Lesson two continues with Identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning of a prose with a task; using personification and making kitchen utensils to life.
As the weeks progresses, pupils will understand how to use personification, similes, synonyms in own writing; thinking how writing styles creates imagery. Pupils would take time reading different prose about food during the week and by the end of the week pupils would spend time refining and evaluating sentences using personification synonyms, metaphors, imagery and similes for impact.

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Last Update: 23 May 2020
Released: 10 March 2020