Home Sweet Dome – KS2 English Lesson
The essence of this resource is that it is pupil-driven. All the skills in this lesson (both English and EBL) are effectively self-taught by pupils without requiring teacher input.
Genre: Science Fiction
This particular lesson looks at settings in a science fiction story in detail, and it includes answering higher and lower order questions on the settings of a science fiction story, reading extracts from science fiction stories and identifying the setting of these extracts.
This lesson develops five evidence-based learning skills which have been proven to raise achievement. These skills are:
Thinking Skills
Peer Assessment (also includes a CPD activity for teachers)
Independent Learning
As a bonus there is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop, or refresh, a teacher’s skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.