Children in most deprived areas suffered greatest loss of learning during lockdowns – ONS

Office for National Statistics cite internet access and less communication with teachers as factors

Power of Reading Book List by Year Group

Power of Reading Book List The Power of Reading online resource (in our opinion) is a great way to ...

Looking For A Book Related To Your Next Topic?

As teachers, we read far too many children’s books to be considered ‘normal’ by the rest of society. It’s ...

Don’t Reinvent The Wheel, Realign It

This quote is a neat way of encapsulating what I believe is the way that teachers and schools should ...

How to NOT go to School

This book is completely free however the author welcomes donations to the NHS if you would like to donate. ...

Daily Routine for Home Learning During School Closures COVID-19

Daily Routine for Home Learning During School Closures COVID-19 Getting structure into your day when your children are at ...

Free Home Learning Materials for UK Pupils | COVID-19

Free Home Learning Materials for UK Pupils COVID-19 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Click on the icons above to share ...

KS1 SATs Replaced from September 2020

No More KS1 SATs for Primary Schools All new primary school pupils will take the reception baseline assessment from ...

Free Resources for World Book Day

Free Resources for World Book Day Access up to five projects for FREE, including Reading Rocks Reviews KS1-2 Previous ...