What is Lesson Planned?

Lesson Planned is a marketplace for original lesson plans, worksheets and teaching ideas from all across the globe. All accounts are free and can be used by teachers, parents and education companies. Here are some examples of what can be found on the site:

Why was Lesson Planned Created?

Planning and resourcing lessons takes teachers on average 14 hours every week; that’s 546 hours a year without taking into consideration marking, parents’ evenings and everything else that comes with being a teacher.

Lesson Planned aims make teachers’ lives easier by sharing resources and teaching ideas globally in order to prevent teachers all over the world having to spend their time reinventing the wheel.

Our Future

Our mission is to reduce workload for all teachers through collaboration and value those teachers who choose to share their work by keeping membership free and royalties high. We are proud to have been chosen for Entrepreneur.com’s ‘Top 5 Ways Teachers Make Money Online’ list and aim to continually improve our services and reduce workload for teachers globally. 

We currently have users from all over the world but there are still thousands of teachers with countless skills which can now be shared and celebrated online. If you want to support a more collaborative teaching future, feel free to spread the word!

How to Upload Your Teaching Resources

You can share your teaching resources for free or sell your resources for money. You’ll get notified when someone downloads your resources in your Author Dashboard.

Register to be a Resource Author

Click on the 'Register' button below or at the top of the page.

Create your Author Profile

Choose your username and a profile picture.

Upload your Resources

Click 'Author Dashboard' in the main menu followed by 'Add a New Resource'.