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An in-depth and extensive guide to context for Romeo & Juliet for KS3/GSCE/A -Level/+ students. 33 pages.

Features guidance on what is meant by ‘context’, the three different types of context, why context is important and how/how not to incorporate context in your writing. Covers relevant Elizabethan era historical knowledge, inspirations for Romeo and Juliet, Italian culture and stereotypes, Petrarchan poetry and Shakespeare’s use of Petrarchan language and allusions, duelling culture, masculinity & honour, 14th century politics, Capulet parental responsibility vs. social responsibility, allusions to myth and legend & more. 

Presented as an information booklet and knowledge organiser, but with work and research tasks. 

Designed for use with the AQA exam but useful for all boards and study programs. 


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Last Update: 18 March 2025
Released: 18 March 2025